Information: Medical grade chemical peels vary in type, potency (strength), penetrative abilities and may be used to tackle different skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, clogged pores, acne marks, age spots, uneven skin texture & tone, and black/white heads.
The process involves application of a medical grade chemical acid which generally causes some redness, darkening, swelling or “frosting”, depending on the strength and type of peel applied. Skin will start tightening after neutralization and will feel dry and tight for the next 2-3 days. Skin may flake and become wrinkled during this time. Once the peeling slows down, the skin will begin its healing process. During this process of cellular turn over results become visible within the following weeks. Collagen production and elastin have been amped up resulting in tighter, firmer and more youthful looking skin with a reduction in wrinkles, blemishes, pore size, hyperpigmentation, and a more even skin tone with a beautiful skin glow.
Superficial Peels: Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Glycolic Acid, AHA + Vitamin C peels, Salicylic Acid 10%, and TCA 10%.
Medium Peels: TCA, Jessner Solution (Resorcinol/Salicylic Acid/Glycolic Acid Combo), Salicylic Acid 20%, TCA 20%.
Deep Peels: TCA 30%, Jessner Solution in layers to achieve the effect of a deep peel, Salicylic Acid 30%